Eclipse Biofarmab BIOGLUCOMIN
Glucosamine is a body-specific substance that is an important component in the formation of tendons, joints and cartilage. With increasing age or with hard training, the body's own ability to produce sufficient amounts of glucosamine decreases.
The addition of manganese helps in the construction (new formation) of cartilage. We have also added methionine, an easily absorbed source of sulfur that is also necessary for cartilage building. The inulin that is included is a metabolic dietary fiber (prebiotics) that contributes to a healthy intestinal flora with good conditions for good absorption in the intestine.
The glucosamine in Eclipse Biofarmab's products is a natural substance with an extra high biological uptake capacity. We use European drug-grade glucosamine. Eclipse Biofarmab always strives for as few additives as possible in our products! This product is free of sugar!
Highly concentrated glucosamine with the addition of inulin for horses.
Especially suitable for active horses, older horses, as well as horses that are exposed to hard exertion.
Glucosamine HCl (47%), Inulin, L-methionine
Horse up to 600 kg body weight: 1 dose measure morning and evening
Horse over 600 kg body weight: 1.5 dose measurements morning and evening
C-pony and smaller: 0.5 dose measurements morning and evening
1 dose measure = 7.5 g
Mix in the concentrate feed in direct connection with the feeding.